Week 13 Reflection for GE2153 Educational Technology

Good day everyone!

It is finally week 13! and again, we did not have any class for this week but we do have a program this Saturday which I could not go because I’m going back home to Sabah.

I am really sorry because I could not attend the program Dr, I’ve booked my flight ticket on Friday, 19th December because i remember you said that we will not have class on the last week of semester. I am truly sorry for that.

That being said, I did what I could and need to do for my group’s and my own work for this subject. I am sorry we could not do anything to change the video’s song back to The Lemon Tree, I’ve deleted the edited videos because i thought you are already satisfied with our video. If we are to change it, we have to make the video back from scratch. I hope you can understand our situation. It was solely my fault, not my teammates.

I had a great time doing this subject, yes it was hard because I am still a newbie for this kind of knowledge. Despite that, i did learned a lot of things and I thank you for that. Thank you for our facilitators and of course thank you again Dr. My deepest gratitude and I wish you a great life. 😀

Week 12 Reflection For GE2153 Educational Technology

Greetings everyone!

‘It is a good day today!’*in Australian accent* kidding XD

I am in a good mood today, why? let’s just say i got up from the correct side of the bed.

Well, actually it is because our video is finally up on Youtube! yaaaayyyyy~!

I was pretty ecstatic to show the video to my classmates but, unfortunately we don’t have class, again.

I supposed it was because Dr wanted to give us more time to do our video, but i was eager to watch others video too and wanted to receive comments from them for our video. It doesn’t matter actually because it means that we have ample amount of time to revise our video based on Dr’s comment.

We did a few drafts following the next few days and frankly speaking, i think we did a good job editing it to make our message clear to the audience. Even though our video is pretty simple, but what is important is the message behind it.

As we all know, ‘Words Matter’ is the title of our video. Our message is to let the audience know that we should be aware of whatever we say to others, because words matter. It can either bring you up or pull you down. Seems simple isn’t it? But i personally think the message is deep if you are suffering from bullying or being the target of gossip mongers.

Final is around the corner and I am baffled how time fly so fast!

Week 11 Reflection For GE2153 Educational Technology

Hello everyone!

We don’t have class this week because it is now week 11 and things are getting more hectic everyday!

Well, that did not stopped us from getting our video done! As I’ve written last week, we did terrible in presenting our so called ‘trailer’. It was not something I would show even if it was to be my job alone. But, let’s put that aside and focus for this week’s activity.

We’ve decided to do a discussion regarding our video after class on one particular day (I completely forgot what day it was, silly right? I know, please forgive me). Our original plan was to meet up at PTSL and do some extra shootings for our opening and closing scenes, but we had to change our plan due to heavy rain, which i may add, has been raining almost everyday for quite some time now. I’m not complaining what nature gives us, I am simply voicing out my observation.

As i was writing, We did the shooting at PPBL instead because that was where our last class was held. Although it was kind of embarrassing having so many seniors ‘scrutinizing’ our behaviors, but we had to do it because it was really hard for all of us to meet. We all have our own commitments in other matters and of course we are trying really hard to balance it all but sometimes, 24/7 is still not enough for us, you know?

To cut story short, we did it all that day and we were happy with it. We had some help from our beloved classmates, and let me just say, it made our shooting a lot easier! So thank you dear classmates!

I hope you will like or even love our video, we really hope you will. *fingers crossed!*

That’s all, Thank you 😀

Week 10 Reflection For GE2153 Educational Technology

Good day everyone 😀

So, this week’s lecture was about presenting what we’ve done so far for our video. We really thought it was just like presenting the ‘trailer’ version of our video, but we were obviously wrong. Thus, we are really sorry about that Dr. :/

Our group’s so called trailer was not as good as others, yes i admit that. Maybe because we didn’t have much time to gather around and really do the video, even though it’s just a trailer. So, we put the heavy burden towards one of our team members who was really busy during the whole week too. He did the trailer but it really looked a last-minute work. Sorry about that dude, that was so selfish of us.

Even so, we did our best in presenting (even though i did not speak at all >.<) and i think it was okay. Dr. couldn’t really comment anything based on our video because it was just to simple ha ha..

We promised to bring you a better video in our next class! Thank you for your understanding~

P/S : We forgot to asked someone to take a picture during our presentation, which was so unfortunate 😦

Week 8 Reflection For GE2153 Educational Technology

Greetings all~


Okay, chill erica chill…*inhale exhale*

Right, as i was saying, this week’s class was awesome, why? Let me tell you why, okay first of all, all of the groups were given mahjong papers respectively and some colored pens and papers, scissors and everything nice >.<

The instruction was ‘ present your storyboard using all the materials given’ ( yes i am literally paraphrasing the whole thing).

We were given about 2 hours out of 3 to make our storyboard and let me tell you it was soooo much fun! Why? well, we got to draw, cut and colored things of course~ back to the old times~

I for one, was really into cutting things, so i volunteered to do that and let them do other things. Well, it was Crystal and I who did the letters and some coloring. Bet you can’t wait to see our finished result right? Be patient please and don’t scroll down just yet :p

Personally, the teamwork of our group was just incredible, my teammates are just something and i am grateful i got to team up with all of them.

So, as we were doing our storyboard, guess what? YES FREE FOOD! Not just any food, it was nasi lemak. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the food dear Dr, Kak Ana and others (sorry i am not good with names >.<). It was delicious and i finished the whole thing in minutes!

I like how the class was conducted because it really shows how concerned you were with us. It also shows that you guys really care about us and you want to have good terms with all of us. So i want you to know, i will always remember you guys 🙂

Right, moving on to the fun part, presenting our storyboard. Even though it was just a simple presentation, but i really think that we did our best.

Without further adieu, here are pictures of the week!

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Week 7 Reflection for GE2153 Educational Technology

As promised, I’ve updated last week’s post so you guys can check it out~ just click the flower below to view 🙂


So, this week’s lecture was FUN! Why? because i got gift for being the first one to send the wordpress infos through facebook, yay me~

Well, that was not all that happened, obviously, but yeah that was my first time ever receiving such reward here in ukm, laugh all you want but i really appreciate the efforts and concern that they gave to us as students, so i would like to say THANK YOU x1000000 times to all of you, you know who you are :).

Moving on, we did our videos’ proposals and fortunately ours got accepted. The genre that we’ve chose is documentary as our ideas are mainly about reality and people’s reaction. Others ideas were great too and i am really looking forward to watch all of them!

Kak Ana also did a brief lecture about the upcoming photographic competition that will be held by UiTM but honestly, i don’t have the confidence to participate as i still think i have a long way to go in photography field, same goes to my group mates as i were told by themselves.

After the brief lecture and proposals sessions, we had a short session to learn about photoshop that was presented by our very own friend, Faiz. Although it was only based on a picture that he googled but i think i did learn something like using the color bucket and wands and so on. I hope that we will have a longer session about photoshop so that we can really benefit the chance given to us and apply it in future.


Week 6 Reflection for GE2153 Educational Technology


Well, unfortunately, i did not go to this week’s class due to some unavoidable matter.

So, what am i going to reflect then? Well, i think i can reflect our EdTech Penang Trip, yes?

Whether it is yes or no, it’s what i’m going to write anyway…:p

Our trip was mainly about taking architectural buildings’s photographs around Georgetown, Penang. Unfortunately again, i do not have any of the photographs as they were all taken by my others team members using their cameras. Mine was not suitable for the purpose of this trip and it was kind of sad really, because i really want to take some great pictures using my phone but believe me, it just won’t cooperate with me during the whole trip!

We went to some incredibly beautiful places such as Kapital Keling Mosque, St. George’s Anglican Church, Pantai Batu Feringgi and many more. Forgive me for my unacceptable forgetfulness as i can’t seem to remember the other places that we’ve visited other than these three (even these three places were actually referred in the activity sheet that we given to us). Even so, i memorized all those picturesque places in my mind and it will forever be one of my greatest memories.

As i was saying or in this case, writing, i’ve learned a lot about the techniques that are needed in photographic skills, those pictures would not come out as good as it should be without the help of my peers.

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These are some of the pictures taken during our field trip 🙂

Week 5 Reflection for GE2153 Educational Technology


It is already week 5! How time flies!

So, this week’s lecture was conducted by our one and only Dr Rosseni herself~ It has been awhile since we last met her and it was indeed a pleasure!

The lecture was mainly about the preparation for our video production. Dr did some explanation  about it and she asked us to start preparing our storyboard respectively by group. Each group consist of 5 members and my group mates are Crystal, Ain, Ammar, Nik and myself.

After about 30 minutes of lecture, Dr gave us the remaining time to discuss about our storyboard for our video production. She also told us to submit our groups’ ideas through ifolio for her to check before we can proceed for the next step.

The discussion was not as easy as i thought. Why? because we all had different ideas with different degrees of imaginations. Despite that, we managed to chose one solid idea and one of our group members, Crystal, submitted it to her through the ifolio.

One of the things that i’ve learned from this week’s lecture is that we need to create our storyboard as smooth as possible so that we can follow through it and make the whole shooting goes smoothly as well.

Week 4 Reflection for GE2153 Educational Technology


So unfortunately, we did not had class for Educational Technology due to the Raya’s celebration, but as always, we were not left without nothing to do! So, I did my research on those elements given in our Facebook group by Dr. Rosseni and I found some interesting things along the way~

There are many types of genre in photography and I was completely blown away by it’s categories.

Here are some of them:



Still Life

Other than that, we can also play with shutter speed which can be divided into two speeds which are fast and slow. Furthermore, we can use people, animals or depth of field for our genre in photography.

Although I still have a long way to go in becoming a professional photographer, but everyone must start from something at some point right? so here are some of the pictures taken by me.





Thank you!